Hazchem |
BSP Labels have been advising and supplying specialist labels to chemical companies for many years. With Specialising in chemical labelling BSP Labels have an enormous amount of knowledge and can advise on the most appropriate labelling product for the application required. BSP keep up to date with any changes of any legislation and will always advise our customers accordingly. The revised CLP Regulation, entered into force on 10 December 2024 and is an amendment to the European Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures in all European Union (EU) Member States, including the UK. It is known by its abbreviated form, 'the CLP Regulation' or just plain 'CLP'.
We are fully compliant with CLP regulations and can offer advice on aspects of chemical labels. For further information and to review the HSE guidelines please CLICK HERE - Labels manufactured to BS560 are intended primarily for marine shipment, but will satisfy any purpose requiring an extremely durable label.
- Our processes for manufacturing labels comply with every part of the BS5609 and its label components.*
- We will guarantee complete compliance with the Standard and will provide you with a copy of the test certificate for your records.**
*Conditions apply **Costs may apply